May is Elder Abuse Awareness Month

Elder Abuse Awareness Month

May is notable because in addition to being Elder Law Awareness Month it is also Elder Abuse Awareness. Though they may seem only loosely related at first glance, they are all important and interconnected issues for those who work as advocates for the elderly.

Rothamel Bratton is a law firm that has dedicated itself to issues surrounding elder law, and as such we recognize the importance of raising awareness for these issues.

Here are some resources about Elder Abuse from the Administration of Aging that you may find useful:

Elder Abuse Prevention:
Elder Abuse Red Flags:

When it comes to addressing the needs of the elderly, one of the most essential issues that needs to be addressed is how they will spend their later years when they are no longer able to provide care for themselves.

An elder law attorney is a valuable asset in planning for when care is needed, as they can draw up all of the legal documents and address the financial questions that will need to be answered so that they are properly taken care of in their final years.