Celebrating Seniors: May Is Older Americans Month

As Americans one thing we all have in common is we respect and revere those who have come before; our senior citizens have paved the way for younger generations.

May is Older Americans Month, an event established by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living in an effort to recognize the importance and contributions of our elderly population. This is the 52nd year of the celebration and the theme is “Get into the Act” – a move to encourage education and community involvement about the care and well-being of America’s senior citizens. Participants are encouraged to get involved by raising awareness in their communities. Older Americans Month is celebrated across the country at fairs, conferences, workshops and elsewhere. This is a great time to volunteer at the senior center, Meals on Wheels or any other organization that helps older Americans or encourage the senior in your life to get active through yoga, gardening, or some other activity.

Historically, Older Americans Month has been focused specifically on recognizing the elderly that have served our country in the Armed Forces. This year, the celebration extends to the general population of seniors, as well. In a time in which baby boomers are reaching retirement, senior citizens are becoming the fastest-growing population of people in the country. In fact, by 2020 more than 55 million U.S adults will be over the age of 65.

Unfortunately, however, these individuals who were once so vibrant and full of life are more vulnerable than ever to things like poverty, abuse, neglect and mistreatment. It is our responsibility to make sure that our aging loved ones maintain the dignity with which they have lived for their entire lives.

As it comes time to take a more active role in the care of our parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles, let us all remember to discuss the important issues such as end of life wishes and long term care planning with your loved one. By focusing on older adults and important aging issues, you are making a positive impact in the lives of Americans of all ages.

If you are caring for an older loved one, you don’t have to go at it alone. Contact the attorneys at Rothamel Bratton today for help with a life care plan that helps with the legal, financial, and care coordination for your loved while providing peace of mind for your entire family.