National Healthcare Decisions Day

As we get ready to celebrate National Healthcare Decision Day tomorrow, April 16th, we have a question for you to think about. When is the right time to name someone to speak for you in case of serious illness?



The answer, of course, is “A”. The problem is we’re reluctant to talk about our medical wishes in case of serious illness or end of life. April 16th is National Healthcare Decisions Day, the day to name someone to speak for you when you can no longer speak for yourself!

National Healthcare Decisions Day exists to educate the public & medical providers about the importance of planning as it relates to health care decision making. It encourages people to express their wishes regarding healthcare and for providers and facilities to respect those wishes.  An Advanced Directive can be a proxy directive (appointing a Health Care Power of Attorney) and/or an instructive directive (Living Will).

A healthcare power of attorney allows your agent to be your voice for your healthcare decisions if you cannot speak for yourself.  A “living will” indicates what kinds of medical treatments you would or would not want at the end of life.  Both are extremely important so we urge you to take some time and plan ahead.

For more information, contact Charles Bratton at 856-857-6000 for a consultation appointment.

We encourage you to watch this informative video!