Rothamel Bratton Sponsor of Annual South Jersey Dementia Conference

photo-11Rothamel Bratton Attorneys had the great opportunity to sponsor the Alzheimer’s Association Annual South Jersey Dementia Conference, “Balancing Care Challenges,” June 10th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cherry Hill. The conference offered families and professional caregivers cutting-edge information, speakers, industry experts and resources for navigating the dementia journey, including this year’s keynote speaker, noted author, educator and dementia care authority, Daniel Kuhn, LCSW, who presented “Putdowns & Uplifts in Dementia Care.”

Thank you to everyone that came by our table to learn more about our elder law and life care planning solutions. We are proud of the many families we have served and helped over the years with long term care and mapping out a plan that offers them and their loved ones peace of mind.

Rothamel Bratton, LLC is a premier law firm serving South Jersey and the Greater Philadelphia Area. We offer unparalleled service in the areas of asset protection, elder law and estate planning. To discuss your options with a dedicated attorney, call 888-981-9510 to schedule an appointment today.